David A. Patterson
(OSDI '94 Keynote Address)
Boletim do ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education
Open Issues in Organizing Computer Systems Conferences
Open Issues in Organizing Computer Systems Conferences
Jeffrey C. Mogul and Tom Anderson
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
Volume 38 , Issue 3 (July 2008)
The Workshop on Organizing Workshops, Conferences, and Symposia
for Computer Systems (WOWCS) was organized to “bring
together conference organizers (past, present, and future) and other
interested people to discuss the issues they confront.” In conjunction
with WOWCS, we survey some previous publications that
discuss open issues related to organizing computer systems conferences,
especially concerning conduct and management of the
review process. We also list some topics about which we wish
WOWCS had received submissions, but did not; these could be
good topics for future articles.
Open Issues in Organizing Computer Systems Conferences
Jeffrey C. Mogul and Tom Anderson
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
Volume 38 , Issue 3 (July 2008)
The Workshop on Organizing Workshops, Conferences, and Symposia
for Computer Systems (WOWCS) was organized to “bring
together conference organizers (past, present, and future) and other
interested people to discuss the issues they confront.” In conjunction
with WOWCS, we survey some previous publications that
discuss open issues related to organizing computer systems conferences,
especially concerning conduct and management of the
review process. We also list some topics about which we wish
WOWCS had received submissions, but did not; these could be
good topics for future articles.
What is it like to write a technical book?
um artigo longo e interessante:
What is it like to write a technical book?
What is it like to write a technical book?
A Perspective on Computing Research Management
A Perspective on Computing Research Management
Roy Levin
Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
This paper offers a perspective on a particular set of principles
that have guided the development and enabled the success of several
noteworthy corporate research labs in computer science. The
paper examines the differences between the corporate computing
research environment and academia, then describes the model for
managing research that Microsoft Research employs, illustrating
how it reflects those differences and what the consequences are.
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review
Volume 41 , Issue 2 (April 2007)
Roy Levin
Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
This paper offers a perspective on a particular set of principles
that have guided the development and enabled the success of several
noteworthy corporate research labs in computer science. The
paper examines the differences between the corporate computing
research environment and academia, then describes the model for
managing research that Microsoft Research employs, illustrating
how it reflects those differences and what the consequences are.
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review
Volume 41 , Issue 2 (April 2007)
Sugestões para alunos de doutoramento
Muito interessante, útil e escrito num estilo divertido:
Advice to a Beginning Graduate Student
Manuel Blum
I once asked UMESH VAZIRANI how he was able,
as an undergraduate at MIT,
to take 6 courses each and every semester.
He said that he knew he didn't have the time to work out his answers the hard way.
He had to find a shortcut.
You see, Umesh understood that problems often have short clever solutions.
There's a wonderful quote from ANATOLE FRANCE:
"A University Student"
-- and this is especially true for a PhD Student --
"should know something about everything
and everything about something."
Advice to a Beginning Graduate Student
Manuel Blum
I once asked UMESH VAZIRANI how he was able,
as an undergraduate at MIT,
to take 6 courses each and every semester.
He said that he knew he didn't have the time to work out his answers the hard way.
He had to find a shortcut.
You see, Umesh understood that problems often have short clever solutions.
There's a wonderful quote from ANATOLE FRANCE:
"A University Student"
-- and this is especially true for a PhD Student --
"should know something about everything
and everything about something."
Conselhos para alunos de doutoramento
Some Advice for Getting Through Graduate School
Georgia Tech, College of Computing
Escrever, apresentar etc.
Georgia Tech, College of Computing
Escrever, apresentar etc.
Revisão de artigos
Três artigos sobre revisão de artigos:
The Task of the Referee
Alan Jay Smith
University of California at Berkeley
Outros interessantes:
Teaching reviewing to graduate students
Jens Palsberg, Scott J. Baxter
Purdue University
A Guide for New Referees in Theoretical Computer Science
Ian Parberryy
University of North Texas
The Task of the Referee
Alan Jay Smith
University of California at Berkeley
Outros interessantes:
Teaching reviewing to graduate students
Jens Palsberg, Scott J. Baxter
Purdue University
A Guide for New Referees in Theoretical Computer Science
Ian Parberryy
University of North Texas
Alguns recursos sobre escrita de artigos
6 critérios (da CFP do OSDI'08):
A good paper will:
* consider a significant problem
* propose an interesting, compelling solution
* demonstrate the practicality and benefits of the solution
* draw appropriate conclusions
* clearly describe what the authors have done
* clearly articulate the advances beyond previous work
A conferência EuroSys tem organizado um workshop para ajudar alunos de doutoramento na escrita de aritgos. O site da edição de 2006 tem os slides apresentados num painel que são muito interessantes:
The First EuroSys Authoring Workshop
- originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and correctness
A good paper will:
* consider a significant problem
* propose an interesting, compelling solution
* demonstrate the practicality and benefits of the solution
* draw appropriate conclusions
* clearly describe what the authors have done
* clearly articulate the advances beyond previous work
A conferência EuroSys tem organizado um workshop para ajudar alunos de doutoramento na escrita de aritgos. O site da edição de 2006 tem os slides apresentados num painel que são muito interessantes:
The First EuroSys Authoring Workshop
Plágio no ensino superior português
College Cheating in Portugal: Results from a Large Scale Survey
Maria de Fátima Rocha (frocha@ufp.pt) (Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto and Universidade Fernando Pessoa)
Aurora A.C. Teixeira (ateixeira@fep.up.pt) (CEMPRE, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto)
Um estudo sobre o tema.
Maria de Fátima Rocha (frocha@ufp.pt) (Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto and Universidade Fernando Pessoa)
Aurora A.C. Teixeira (ateixeira@fep.up.pt) (CEMPRE, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto)
Um estudo sobre o tema.
Um blog muito interessante: Tomorrow's Professor
Tomorrow's Professor Blog
Criado por professores do MIT e Stanford. Discussões relacionadas com ensino universitário.
Criado por professores do MIT e Stanford. Discussões relacionadas com ensino universitário.
Porque é que os alunos não vão às aulas?
Why Students Don't Attend Class
Tom Clay and Lori Breslow
"Are you dissatisfied with the attendance at your lectures? Do you wonder what your students are thinking when they skip your lectures? If you answered “yes” to either question, you’ll be interested in what 47 undergraduates said in response to a recent email survey on their attitudes toward attending lectures. "
Tom Clay and Lori Breslow
"Are you dissatisfied with the attendance at your lectures? Do you wonder what your students are thinking when they skip your lectures? If you answered “yes” to either question, you’ll be interested in what 47 undergraduates said in response to a recent email survey on their attitudes toward attending lectures. "
O que é que influencia a aprendizagem?
Influences on Student Learning
John Hattie, Univ. of Auckland
"Both educational communities work behind closed doors, coming out to discuss kids, curricula,
accountability, and each other, but rarely discussing the fundamental tenets about their teaching that leads to positive impacts on student learning."
John Hattie, Univ. of Auckland
"Both educational communities work behind closed doors, coming out to discuss kids, curricula,
accountability, and each other, but rarely discussing the fundamental tenets about their teaching that leads to positive impacts on student learning."
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